ProStationAudio Keyboard Shortcuts

Basic transport

SPACE Toggle Play/Stop.

CTRL-SPACE Mixdown to disk.

Toggling mixer models

m Toggle Extended/Compact mixer models.

Adjusting the timeline view

DOWN Zoom in.

UP Zoom out.

ALT-DOWN Zoom all the way in.

ALT-UP Zoom all the way out.

CTRL-UP Scroll timeline up.

CTRL-DOWN Scroll timeline down.

SHIFT-LEFT Scroll timeline left.

SHIFT-RIGHT Scroll timeline right.

LEFT Scroll timeline left (half step).

RIGHT Scroll timeline right (half step).

RSHIFT-RALT-F1:F10 Store views 1:10.

RALT-F1:F10 Recall views 1:10.

Adjusting the region list

LEFT (mouse over the region list) Expand region list.

RIGHT (mouse over the region list) Shrink region list.

Adding/removing objects

i Import an audio file and automatically create a new (root) region.

RETURN Add an audio object at cursor position (object built from the selected region).

SHIFT-RETURN Add an audio object asking the star timecode first (object built from the selected region).

DEL Remove selected audio object.

SHIFT-DEL Remove any object from selected track.

Editing/fading objects

LSHIFT-r Cut head of selected object at cursor position.

RSHIFT-r Cut tail of selected object at cursor position.

LSHIFT-f Fade in selected object at cursor position.

RSHIFT-f Fade out selected object at cursor position.

o Range selected object.

RALT-CLICK Align an object with the selected one.

LALT-CLICK Move an object vertically only (lock timecode).

Moving the cursor

~ Open the Timecode Requester to move cursor.

HOME Cursor at selected object start.

END Cursor at selected object end.

CTRL-HOME Cursor at range start.

CTRL-END Cursor at range end.

LALT-HOME Cursor at timeline start.

LALT-END Cursor at timeline end.

Handling markers

LSHIFT-F1:F10 Store marker 1:10.

F1:F10 Recall marker 1:10.

LALT-F1:F10 Rename marker 1:10.

Editing color attributes

1:8 Set selected object color.

SHIFT-1:8 Set selected track's label color.

SHIFT-0 Set selected track's label color to neutral.